Insecta - Coleoptera - Cantharidae
Full reference: F. Parisi and F. Fanti. 2020. Baltic amber: A new Cacomorphocerus Schaufuss, 1892 with two specimens preserved in a single piece, and four new Malthodes Kiesenwetter, 1852. Zootaxa 4778:546-560
Belongs to Cacomorphocerus according to F. Parisi and F. Fanti 2020
Sister taxa: Cacomorphocerus bentifabrici, Cacomorphocerus cerambyx, Cacomorphocerus coleae, Cacomorphocerus endecacerus, Cacomorphocerus eocenicus, Cacomorphocerus incurvus, Cacomorphocerus jantaricus, Cacomorphocerus madseni, Cacomorphocerus marki, Cacomorphocerus meridionalis, Cacomorphocerus thomasiwentzeli, Cacomorphocerus wiszniewskii
Type specimen: Unimol AAA008FP (A), an exoskeleton. Its type locality is Baltic Amber (Unimol collection), which is in a Priabonian terrestrial amber in the Russian Federation.
Distribution: found only at Baltic Amber (Unimol collection)
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