Ctenophyllum latifolium Fontaine 1889 (cycads)

Cycadopsida - Cycadales - Cycadaceae

Belongs to Ctenophyllum according to Fontaine 1889

See also Andrews 1970 and Berry 1911

Sister taxa: Ctenophyllum angustifolium, Ctenophyllum braunianum, Ctenophyllum densifolium, Ctenophyllum giganteum, Ctenophyllum grandifolium, Ctenophyllum lineare, Ctenophyllum pachynerve, Ctenophyllum robustum, Ctenophyllum taxinum, Ctenophyllum truncatum, Ctenophyllum wannerianum, Ctenophyllum wardii

Distribution: there are no occurrences of Ctenophyllum latifolium in the database

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