Mammalia - Primates - Notharctidae
Alternative combination: Pelycodus ralstoni
Full reference: W. D. Matthew. 1915. A revision of the Lower Eocene Wasatch and Wind River faunas. Part IV. - Entelonychia, Primates, Insectivora (part). Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 34(14):429-483
Belongs to Cantius according to P. D. Gingerich and R. A. Haskin 1981
See also Gingerich and Simons 1977 and Matthew 1915
Sister taxa: Cantius abditus, Cantius actius, Cantius angulatus, Cantius eppsi, Cantius frugivorus, Cantius mckennai, Cantius nunienus, Cantius savagei, Cantius simonsi, Cantius torresi, Cantius trigonodus
Type specimen: AM 16089, a maxilla (right maxilla with P4-M3). Its type locality is SC-40, which is in a Wasatchian terrestrial horizon in the Willwood Formation of Wyoming.
Ecology: arboreal omnivore
• Eocene of United States (23: Colorado, Wyoming collections)
Total: 23 collections each including a single occurrence
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