Copemys longidens Hall 1930 (rodent)

Mammalia - Rodentia - Cricetidae

Alternative combination: Peromyscus longidens

Synonyms: Copemys niobrariensis Hoffmeister 1959, Miochomys niobrariensis Hoffmeister 1959

Full reference: E. R. Hall. 1930. Rodents and lagomorphs from the Barstow Beds of southern California. University of California Publications, Bulletin of the Department of Geological Sciences 19(13):313-318

Belongs to Copemys according to E. H. Lindsay 1972

See also Clark et al. 1964, Hall 1930 and Voorhies 1990

Sister taxa: Copemys barstowensis, Copemys esmeraldensis, Copemys lindsayi, Copemys loxodon, Copemys pagei, Copemys pisinnus, Copemys russelli, Copemys shotwelli, Copemys tenuis, Democricetodon similis, Democricetodon gaillardi, Democricetodon fejfari, Democricetodon franconicus, Democricetodon mutilus, Democricetodon crassus, Democricetodon hispanicus, Democricetodon kaonou, Democricetodon sulcatus, Democricetodon freisingensis, Democricetodon khani, Democricetodon haltmari, Democricetodon minor, Democricetodon affinis, Democricetodon romieviensis, Democricetodon vindoboniensis, Democricetodon brevis

Type specimens:

  • Copemys longidens: UCCVP 28502, a partial skull (with M1 and mandible dext. carrying complete dentition). Its type locality is Rodent Hill, which is in a Barstovian terrestrial horizon in the Barstow Formation of California.
  • Miochomys niobrariensis: UCMP 36103, a maxilla (fragment maxilla sin. with M1). Its type locality is Fort Niobrara, which is in a Barstovian terrestrial horizon in the Valentine Formation of Nebraska.

Ecology: ground dwelling herbivore


• Miocene of Canada (1: Saskatchewan collection), United States (38: California, Nebraska, South Dakota, Wyoming)

Total: 39 collections including 40 occurrences

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