†Michelia bhutanensis Srivastava and Tripathi 2019 (magnolia)
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Angiospermae - Magnoliales - Magnoliaceae
Full reference: N. Srivastava and P. P. Tripathi. 2019. Leaf impressions of Michelia Butanensis (Magnoliaceae) and Gyocardia Mio-Odorata(Flacourtiaceae) from the Siwalik Bed of Bhutan. Iconic Research and Engineering Journals 2(8):176-179
Belongs to Michelia according to N. Srivastava and P. P. Tripathi 2019
Sister taxon: Michelia oleifera
Type specimen: Its type locality is Lakshmi River, which is in a Miocene fluvial horizon in Bhutan
Ecology: "photoautotroph"
Distribution: found only at Lakshmi River
Specimen images are retrieved through the ePANDDA API.
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