Impatiens Linnaeus 1753 (jewelweed)

Dicotyledoneae - Ericales - Balsaminaceae

Full reference: C. Linnaeus. 1753. Species Plantarum 1-1200

Parent taxon: Balsaminaceae according to M. S. Chauhan 1991

See also Lakhanpal et al. 1976

Sister taxa: Hydrocera, Impatiensidites

Subtaxa: Impatiens balsamica Impatiens chinensis Impatiens cornuta Impatiens latifolia Impatiens modesta Impatiens nolitangere Impatiens oppositifolia Impatiens tomentosa Impatiens triflora

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Type: Impatiens nolitangere

Ecology: "photoautotroph"


• Quaternary of India (20 collections)

Total: 20 collections including 21 occurrences

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