Dillerlemur pagei Jepsen 1930 (primate)

Mammalia - Primates - Paromomyidae

Alternative combination: Phenacolemur pagei

Synonym: Parapheliscus bjorni Van Valen 1967

Full reference: G. L. Jepsen. 1930. New Vertebrate Fossils from the Lower Eocene of the Bighorn Basin, Wyoming. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 69(1):117-131

Belongs to Dillerlemur according to P. Robinson and L. D. Ivy 1994

See also Delson 1971, Jepsen 1930 and Rose 1981

Sister taxon: Dillerlemur robinettei

Type specimens:

  • Dillerlemur pagei: Princeton No. 13286, a mandible (right lower jaw with P4-M2 and alveoli of I, M3). Its type locality is Princeton Quarry, which is in a Tiffanian terrestrial horizon in the Fort Union Formation of Wyoming.
  • Parapheliscus bjorni: AMNH 22244, a tooth (Right P4). Its type locality is Bear Creek, which is in a Clarkforkian terrestrial horizon in the Fort Union Formation of Montana.

Ecology: arboreal omnivore


• Clarkforkian of United States (27: Montana, Wyoming collections)

• Cf2 of United States (1: Wyoming)

• Cf1 of United States (1: Wyoming)

• Paleocene of United States (12: Montana, Wyoming)

Total: 41 collections including 42 occurrences

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