Phyllotheca ampla Surange and Kulkarni 1968 (fern)

Polypodiopsida - Equisetales - Equisetidae

Belongs to Phyllotheca according to Surange and Kulkarni 1968

Sister taxa: Phyllotheca australis, Phyllotheca crassa, Phyllotheca grandis, Phyllotheca griesbachii, Phyllotheca indica, Phyllotheca sahnii, Phyllotheca stenophylloides, Phyllotheca verbitskae

Type specimen: Its type locality is Argada, South Karanpura Coalfield, which is in an Artinskian/Kungurian fluvial-lacustrine horizon in India

Distribution: found only at Argada, South Karanpura Coalfield

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