Lingulata - Lingulida - Acrothelidae
Full reference: C. W. Walcott. 1908. Cambrian Brachiopoda: descriptions of new genera and species. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections 53(3):53-137
Belongs to Acrothele according to C. W. Walcott 1908
Sister taxa: Acrothele (Redlichella), Acrothele affinis, Acrothele bellapunctata, Acrothele bellula, Acrothele bergeroni, Acrothele borgholmensis, Acrothele concava, Acrothele coriacea, Acrothele decipiens, Acrothele dichotoma, Acrothele levisensis, Acrothele minuta, Acrothele primaeva, Acrothele rarus, Acrothele sougyi, Acrothele speciosa, Acrothele spinulosa, Acrothele subsidua, Acrothele turneri, Acrothele woodworthi, Acrothele yorkensis, Dearbornia clarki
Ecology: stationary low-level epifaunal suspension feeder
Distribution: found only at 54s - Near mouth of North side Two Mile Canyon, 2 miles se of Malad, Wasatch Mts (Cambrian of Idaho)
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