Borissiakoceras ashurkoffae Cobban and Gryc 1961 (ammonite)

Cephalopoda - Ammonitida - Binneyitidae

Full reference: W. A. Cobban and G. Gryc. 1961. Ammonites from the Seabee Formation (Cretaceous) of northern Alaska. Journal of Paleontology 35:176-190

Belongs to Borissiakoceras according to W. A. Cobban and G. Gryc 1961

Sister taxa: Borissiakoceras inconstans, Borissiakoceras orbiculatum, Borissiakoceras reymenti, Borissjakoceras rosenkrantzi

Type specimen: USNM 130810, a shell. Its type locality is USGS Mesozoic 20420, Maybe Creek, which is in a Turonian coastal shale in the Seabee Formation of Alaska.

Ecology: fast-moving nektonic carnivore


• Cretaceous of United States (8: Alaska collections)

Total: 8 collections each including a single occurrence

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