Cephalopoda - Ammonitida - Crioceratitidae
Alternative combination: Georgioceras kohllarseni
Full reference: O. Wilckens. 1947. Paläontologische und geologische Ergebnisse der Reise von Kohl-Larsen (1928-29) nach Süd-Georgien. Abhandlungen der Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung 474:1-75
Belongs to Pseudothurmannia according to C. W. Wright et al. 1996
See also Wilckens 1947
Sister taxa: Pseudothurmannia angulicostata, Pseudothurmannia belimelensis, Pseudothurmannia catulloi, Pseudothurmannia grandis, Pseudothurmannia jupiter, Pseudothurmannia karakaschi, Pseudothurmannia mortilleti, Pseudothurmannia ohmi, Pseudothurmannia picteti, Pseudothurmannia pseudomalbosi, Pseudothurmannia renevieri, Pseudothurmannia russelli, Pseudothurmannia sarasini
Type specimen: Senckenberg Museum 371/375. Its type locality is NE coast, Annenkov Island, which is in a Hauterivian/Aptian coastal sandstone in the Annenkov Island Formation of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands.
Ecology: fast-moving nektonic carnivore
Distribution: found only at NE coast, Annenkov Island
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