Mammalia - Rodentia - Castoridae
Alternative combinations: Palaeocastor fossor, Steneofiber fossor
Synonyms: Palaeocastor magnus Romer and McCormack 1928, Palaeocastor major Stirton 1935, Palaeocastor simplicidens Matthew 1907, Steneofiber simplicidens Matthew 1907
Full reference: O. A. Peterson. 1905. Description of New Rodents And Discussion Of The Origin of Daemonelix. Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum 2(4):139-202
Belongs to Fossorcastor according to X. Xu 1996
See also Macdonald 1970, Martin 1987, Matthew 1907, Peterson 1905, Romer and McCormack 1928, Stirton 1935 and Storer 2002
Sister taxa: Fossorcastor brachyceps, Fossorcastor greeni
Type specimens:
- Fossorcastor fossor: CM 1217, a partial skeleton (cranium, the vertebral column, including eleven caudals, (the extreme tip of the tail is missing), both clavicles, and a fairly complete set of ribs). Its type locality is Pine Ridge Escarpment, which is in a Harrisonian terrestrial horizon in the Harrison Formation of Nebraska.
- Palaeocastor magnus: Its type locality is Raw Hide Buttes (Lower Harrison), which is in a Harrisonian terrestrial horizon in Wyoming.
- Palaeocastor major:
- Steneofiber simplicidens: Its type locality is AMNH Rosebud 8, which is in an Arikareean terrestrial horizon in South Dakota.
Ecology: amphibious browser
• Miocene of United States (1: Texas collection)
• Harrisonian of United States (5: Nebraska, Wyoming)
• Arikareean of United States (3: Oregon, South Dakota)
• Oligocene of United States (6: South Dakota)
Total: 15 collections each including a single occurrence
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