Trochodendron nastae Pigg et al. 2001

Angiospermae - Trochodendrales - Trochodendraceae

Full reference: K. Pigg, W. Wehr, and S. Ickert-Bond. 2001. Trochodendron and Nordenskioldia (Trochodendraceae) from the Middle Eocene of Washington State, U.S.A. International Journal of Plant Sciences 162(5):1187-1198

Belongs to Trochodendron according to K. Pigg et al. 2001

Sister taxa: none

Type specimen: Holotype. SR 98-2-la (figs. lA, 2A). Paratypes. UWBM 31248a,b (fig. 3G), 31249 (fig. 3A, 30, 3E), 31250a,b (fig. 2B), 54868 (figs. lB, 2F), 96609a,b (fig. lC), 96612 (figs. ID, 2E), SR 88-2-2 (fig. 3B), 95-19-3a (fig. 3F, 3H), 95-23-15 (fig. 2D), UWBM 312, a leaf. Its type locality is Republic (Stonerose Interpretive Center collection), which is in a Ypresian lacustrine - large mudstone in the Klondike Mountain Formation of Washington.

Ecology: "photoautotroph"


• Eocene of United States (2: Washington collections)

Total: 2 collections each including a single occurrence

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