Asansolia phegopteroides Feistmantel 1876 (fern)

Polypodiopsida - Marattiales - Marattiidae

Alternative combinations: Alethopteris phegopteroides, Cladophlebis phegopteroides, Dizeugotheca phegopteroides, Pecopteris phegopteroides

Belongs to Asansolia according to Pant and Misra 1976

See also Lakhanpal et al. 1976

Sister taxa: none

Type specimen: Its type locality is Raniganj, which is in a Wordian/Lopingian fluvial-lacustrine horizon in the Raniganj Formation of India


• Permian of India (7 collections), Turkey (1)

• Carboniferous of India (1)

Total: 9 collections each including a single occurrence

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