Hemipsalodon viejaensis Gustafson 1986 (creodont)

Mammalia - Creodonta - Hyainailouridae

Full reference: E. P. Gustafson. 1986. Carnivorous mammals of the Late Eocene and Early Oligocene of Trans-Pecos Texas. Texas Memorial Museum Bulletin 33:1-66

Belongs to Hemipsalodon according to E. P. Gustafson 1986

Sister taxon: Hemipsalodon grandis

Type specimen: Its type locality is Big Red Horizon (Hemipsalodon Locality), which is in a Duchesnean terrestrial horizon in the Chambers Tuff Formation of Texas

Ecology: scansorial insectivore


• Eocene of United States (2: Texas collections)

Total: 2 collections each including a single occurrence

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