Pseudowaribole (Pseudowaribole) conifer palmeus Alberti 1975 (trilobite)

Trilobita - Proetida - Phillipsiidae

Alternative combinations: Archegonus (Waribole) conifer palmeus, Pseudowaribole (Pseudowaribole) conifer palmea, Pseudowaribole (Pseudowaribole) palmeus

Full reference: H. Alberti. 1975. Neue Trilobiten (Waribole) aus dem Ober-Devon IV-VI (Nord-Afrika und Mittel-Europa). Beitrag 3. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie Abhandlungen 149:180-210

Belongs to Pseudowaribole (Pseudowaribole) conifer according to V. Bault et al. 2021

See also Alberti 1975, Leuschner 1994 and Wagner 2020

Sister taxon: Pseudowaribole (Pseudowaribole) conifer gibber

Ecology: fast-moving low-level epifaunal deposit feeder

Distribution: found only at Bed 12/16. Section NF/G der Nordwand von Drewer (Carboniferous of Germany)

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