Mammalia - Soricomorpha - Soricidae
Parent taxon: Heterosoricinae according to R. Ziegler 1998
See also Engesser 1975, Engesser 1979, Hutchison 1966, Repenning 1967, Rzebik-Kowalska 1994, Van Valen 1967 and Ziegler 1989
Sister taxa: Atasorex, Dinosorex, Domnina, Gobisorex, Ingentisorex, Lusorex, Noritrimylus, Paradomnina, Pseudotrimylus, Quercysorex, Sorex kinkelini, Wilsonosorex
Subtaxa: Heterosorex ruemkeae Heterosorex wangi
Ecology: ground dwelling omnivore
• Miocene of China (5 collections), France (2), Germany (6), Greece (2), Poland (1), the Russian Federation (1), Serbia and Montenegro (3), Spain (3), Switzerland (2)
• Oligocene of France (2), Germany (1)
Total: 28 collections each including a single occurrence
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