Bivalvia - Pectinida - Neitheoidae
Alternative combination: Pecten dilatatus
Belongs to Weyla according to S. E. Damborenea and M. O. ManceƱido 1979
Sister taxa: Weyla (Lywea), Weyla (Pseudovola), Weyla (Tosapecten), Weyla (Weyla), Weyla alata, Weyla bodenbenderi, Weyla cardioides, Weyla cardiomorphus, Weyla commutatus, Weyla compressus, Weyla cuneata, Weyla curvicosta, Weyla domeykoi, Weyla dufrenoyi, Weyla excavatus, Weyla goliath, Weyla harneckeri, Weyla kachhensis, Weyla lycorrhynchus, Weyla martinezi, Weyla ntlakapamuxanus, Weyla oxyrrhynchus, Weyla paragogus, Weyla pradoanus, Weyla recticostata, Weyla rollieri, Weyla simplex, Weyla sinuata, Weyla stolpi, Weyla subcarinatus, Weyla titan
Ecology: epifaunal suspension feeder
Distribution: there are no occurrences of Weyla dilatatus in the database
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