Anthozoa - Stauriida - Aulophyllidae
Full reference: T. Kawamura and C. H. Stevens. 2012. Middle Pennsylvanian rugose corals from the Baird Formation, Klamath Mountains, northwestern California. Journal of Paleontology 86(3):513-520
Belongs to Heritschioides according to J. Fedorowski et al. 2013
See also Kawamura and Stevens 2012
Sister taxa: Heritschioides (Eoheritschioides), Heritschioides (Heritschioides), Heritschioides carneyi, Heritschioides columbicum, Heritschioides mahallatensis, Heritschioides wexoi
Type specimen: USNM 543562. Its type locality is Kabyai Creek area, Location 12 of Kawamura and Stevens 2012, which is in a Bashkirian reef, buildup or bioherm packstone in the Baird Formation of California.
Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder
Distribution: found only at Kabyai Creek area, Location 12 of Kawamura and Stevens 2012
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