Mammalia - Carnivora - Felidae
Alternative combinations: Homotherium (Dinobastis) latidens, Machairodus latidens
Synonyms: Dinobastis serus Cope 1893, Homotherium serum Cope 1893
Belongs to Homotherium according to G. Ficarelli 1979
See also Cope 1893, Dalquest and Carpenter 1988, Dundas 2005, Gervais 1869, Hay 1902, Kurten 1968, Kurten and Anderson 1980, Martin et al. 1988, Paijmans et al. 2017, Rawn-Schatzinger 1983 and Schultz et al. 1970
Sister taxa: Homotherium crenatidens, Homotherium crusafonti, Homotherium hadarensis, Homotherium idahoensis, Homotherium ischyrus, Homotherium johnstoni, Homotherium problematicum, Homotherium sainzelli, Homotherium ultimum
Ecology: scansorial carnivore
• Quaternary of Canada (2: Yukon, Yukon collections), France (5), Georgia (1), Greece (1), Italy (1), the Netherlands (1), Portugal (1), the Russian Federation (1), Spain (5), United States (10: California, Florida, Idaho, Kansas, Montana, Oklahoma, Texas)
Total: 28 collections each including a single occurrence
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