Pseudobakewellia tumidaeformis Suveizdis et al. 1975 (oyster)

Bivalvia - Ostreida - Pterineidae

Full reference: P. Suveizdis, K. V. Miklukho-Maklay, L. B. Ukharskaya, I. P. Morozova, N. V. Glushenko, V. K. Ivanov, and B. G. Podoba. 1975. Permskaya sistema Pribaltiki (fauna i stratigrafiya). Permian deposits of the Baltic region (stratigraphy and fauna). Lietuvos Geologijos Mokslinio Tyrimo Institutas, Trudy 29:305pp.

Belongs to Pseudobakewellia according to P. Suveizdis et al. 1975

Sister taxa: Pseudobakewellia antiquaeformis, Pseudobakewellia ceratophagaeformis, Pseudobakewellia sedgwickiformis, Pseudobakewellia trigonalis

Type specimen: Its type locality is Borehole Ayzviki 14, Naujoji Akmené Suite, which is in a Wuchiapingian carbonate marl/limestone in the Naujoji Akmené Formation of Latvia

Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder


• Permian of Latvia (2 collections), Lithuania (4)

Total: 6 collections each including a single occurrence

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