†Tipunia kania Kopeć et al. 2023 (crane fly)
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Full reference: K. Kopeć, A. Soszyńska, R. A. Coram and W. Krzemiński. 2023. New species of the enigmatic genus Tipunia (Diptera, Tipulidae) from the Upper Jurassic of Kazakhstan and Lower Cretaceous of England. Cretaceous Research 147(105512)
Belongs to Tipunia according to K. Kopeć et al. 2023
Sister taxa: Tipunia austeni, Tipunia completa, Tipunia intermedia, Tipunia jorgi, Tipunia undata
Type specimen: ISEA I-F/MP/31, a wing. Its type locality is Durlston Bay, Corbula Beds, Swanage (ISEA collection), which is in a Berriasian lagoonal siliciclastic in the Durlston Formation of the United Kingdom.
Distribution: found only at Durlston Bay, Corbula Beds, Swanage (ISEA collection)
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