Cryptophyllum leptoconicum Abich 1878 (horn coral)

Anthozoa - Stauriida - Plerophyllidae

Alternative combinations: Clisiophyllum leptoconicum, Pentamplexus leptoconicus, Pentaphyllum leptoconicum, Pleramplexus leptoconicum, Pleramplexus leptoconicus, Plerophyllum leptoconicum, Zaphrentis leptoconica

Synonyms: Pentaphyllum araxense Kropatcheva 1983, Pentaphyllum clavatum Ilina 1962, Pentaphyllum dzhulfense Ilina 1962, Plerophyllum clavatum Ilina 1962, Plerophyllum dzhulfense Ilina 1962

Full reference: H. Abich. 1878. Geologische Forschungen in den Kaukasischen Ländern. I Theil. Eine Bergkalkfauna aus der Araxesenge bei Djoulfa in Armenien 1-126

Belongs to Cryptophyllum according to J. Fedorowski 2009

See also Abich 1878, Arthaber 1900, Ezaki 1991, Ilina 1962, Kotlyar et al. 1983, Nakazawa et al. 1975, Teichert and Kummel 1973, Wu 1975 and Wu and Wang 1974

Sister taxa: Cryptophyllum hibernicum, Cryptophyllum hithis

Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder


• Permian of Afghanistan (2 collections), Armenia (11), Azerbaijan (33), China (3), Greece (1), Iran (16)

Total: 66 collections including 92 occurrences

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