Bivalvia - Ostreida - Bakevelliidae
Full reference: H. Prinoth and R. Posenato. 2023. Bivalves from the Changhsingian (upper Permian) Bellerophon Formation of the Dolomites (Italy): ancestors of Lower Triassic post-extinction benthic communities. Papers in Palaeontology 9:e1486
Belongs to Tambanella according to H. Prinoth and R. Posenato 2023
Sister taxa: Tambanella alta, Tambanella guanshanensis, Tambanella gujoensis, Tambanella minuta, Tambanella obliqua, Tambanella shaodongensis, Tambanella subquadrata, Tambanella yunnanensis
Type specimen: MLCS190, a valve. Its type locality is BA231, Balest, which is in a Changhsingian shallow subtidal limestone in the Bellerophon Formation of Italy.
Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder
• Permian of Italy (3 collections)
Total: 3 collections each including a single occurrence
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