Strophomenata - Productida - Productellidae
Alternative combinations: Productella truncata, Productus truncatus
Synonym: Strophomena pustulosa Hall 1843
Belongs to Productus (Productella) according to C. D. Walcott 1884
See also Hall 1867
Sister taxa: Productella (Hamlingella), Productella aplingtonensis, Productella belanskii, Productella coloradensis, Productella depressa, Productella dutertrii, Productella fragaria, Productella fragarina, Productella harberti, Productella larminati, Productella nummularis, Productella rugatula, Productella sheffieldensis, Productella subaculeata, Productella sublaevis, Productella thomasi, Productus (Productella) hallanus, Productus (Productella) speciosus
Ecology: stationary low-level epifaunal suspension feeder
Distribution: there are no occurrences of Productus (Productella) truncatus in the database
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