Insecta - Blattodea - Mesoblattinidae
Full reference: M. Majtaník. 2023. Taxonomic names, in Insect J3-K1 assemblage from Tasgorosay in Kazakhstan was dominated by cockroaches. Biologia 78:1565-1584
Belongs to Praeblattella according to M. Majtaník 2023
Sister taxa: Praeblattella arcuata, Praeblattella dichotoma, Praeblattella elegans, Praeblattella inexpecta, Praeblattella jurassica, Praeblattella krzeminski, Praeblattella ponomarenkoi, Praeblattella zrnko
Type specimen: PIN 3297/5, a hindwing. Its type locality is Tasgorosay tract, Karzhantau ridge (PIN collection 3297), which is in a Jurassic/Cretaceous terrestrial horizon in Kazakhstan.
Distribution: found only at Tasgorosay tract, Karzhantau ridge (PIN collection 3297)
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