†suborder Archaeostomatopodea Schram 1969 (mantis shrimp)

Malacostraca - Stomatopoda

Full reference: F.R. Schram. 1969. Some Middle Pennsylvanian Hoplocarida (Crustacea) and their phylogenetic significance. Fieldiana Geology 12:235-289

Parent taxon: Stomatopoda according to F.R. Schram 2010

See also Schram 1969

Sister taxa: Chloridellidae, Opisterostomatopodea, Palaeostomatopoda, Unipeltata

Subtaxa: Daidalidae Gorgonophontidae Tyrannophontidae

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Ecology: epifaunal omnivore


• Carboniferous of United States (8: Illinois, Iowa, Montana, Nebraska collections)

Total: 8 collections each including a single occurrence

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