Mammalia - Artiodactyla - Anthracotheriidae
Full reference: F. Lihoreau, J.-R. Boisserie, C. Blondel, L. Jacques, A. Likius, H. T. Mackaye, P. Vignaud and M. Brunet. 2014. Description and palaeobiology of a new species of Libycosaurus (Cetartiodactyla, Anthracotheriidae) from the Late Miocene of Toros-Menalla, northern Chad. Journal of Systemartic Paleontology
Belongs to Libycosaurus according to F. Lihoreau et al. 2014
Sister taxa: Libycosaurus algeriensis, Libycosaurus anisae, Libycosaurus petrocchii
Type specimen: TM 258-01-32, a skull (cranium of an adult male (see below for sex identification), lacking premaxilla and basi- cranium, with left C, left and right PX-4/ alveoli, left M1- 3/ roots ). Its type locality is Toros-Melina (TM 258), which is in a Miocene terrestrial sandstone in Chad.
Ecology: ground dwelling browser
Distribution: found only at Toros-Melina (TM 258)
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