Superfamily Siphlonuroidea Albarda 1888 (mayfly)

Insecta - Ephemeroptera

Full reference: H. Albarda. 1888. Taxonomic names, in Catalogue raisonné des Orthoptères et des Névroptères de Belgique. Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 32:103-203

Parent taxon: Anteritorna according to Z. T. Chen and X. H. Y. Zheng 2023

Sister taxa: Bidentisata, Oculephemeridae, Tridentiseta

Subtaxa: Astraeopteridae Siphlonephemerellidae Siphlonuridae Siphluriscidae

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• Pliocene of Japan (1 collection)

• Eocene of the Russian Federation (1)

• Cretaceous of Australia (3), Brazil (3), China (1), Mongolia (1), Myanmar (1), the Russian Federation (10)

• Jurassic of China (8), Germany (1), Mongolia (3), the Russian Federation (40)

• Triassic of France (4), Spain (1), Ukraine (1)

Total: 79 collections including 103 occurrences

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