Mammalia - Chiroptera - Mormoopidae
Full reference: G. S. Morgan, N. J. Czaplewski, and N. B. Simmons. 2019. A New Mormoopid Bat from the Oligocene (Whitneyan and Early Arikareean) of Florida, and Phylogenetic Relationships of the Major Clades of Mormoopidae (Mammalia: Chiroptera). Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 434:1-146
Belongs to Koopmanycteris according to G. S. Morgan et al. 2019
Sister taxa: none
Type specimen: UF 157765, a partial skull (right dentary with p4-m3 and alveoli for i1-p3). Its type locality is Brooksville 2, which is in an Arikareean fissure fill claystone/sandstone in Florida.
Ecology: volant insectivore
• Arikareean of United States (1: Florida collection)
• Oligocene of United States (1: Florida)
Total: 2 collections each including a single occurrence
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