Osteichthyes - Paramblypteriformes
Belongs to Amblypterus according to Eichwald 1860
See also Esin 1995
Sister taxa: Amblypterus agassizii, Amblypterus arcuatus, Amblypterus baylei, Amblypterus beaumonti, Amblypterus berthieri, Amblypterus bibractensis, Amblypterus carolinae, Amblypterus caudatus, Amblypterus decorus, Amblypterus eupterygius, Amblypterus kashmiriensis, Amblypterus lateralis, Amblypterus latus, Amblypterus macropterus, Amblypterus magnus, Amblypterus obliquus, Amblypterus ornatus, Amblypterus stewarti, Amblypterus symmetricus, Amblypterus tenuicauda, Amblypterus traquairi
Type specimen: TsNIGR 99/107, a partial skeleton (Anterior part of body without pectoral fin). Its type locality is Kargalinski Mines, PIN 1954, PIN 48, locality 12 of Tverdokhlebov et al. (2005), which is in an Urzhumian deltaic sandstone/conglomerate in the Amanakskaya Formation of the Russian Federation.
Distribution: found only at Kargalinski Mines, PIN 1954, PIN 48, locality 12 of Tverdokhlebov et al. (2005)
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