Conexicoxa siniestri Soriano and Delclos 2006 (beetle)

Insecta - Coleoptera

Alternative combinations: Notocupes siniestri, Zygadenia siniestri

Full reference: C. Soriano and X. Delclos. 2006. New cupedid beetles from the Lower Cretaceous of Spain and the palaeogeography of the family. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 51:185-200

Belongs to Conexicoxa according to O. D. Strelnikova and E. V. Yan 2023

See also Kirejtshuk 2020, Soriano and Delclos 2006 and Strelnikova and Yan 2023

Sister taxa: Conexicoxa brachycephala, Conexicoxa crassa, Conexicoxa denticollis, Conexicoxa epicharis, Conexicoxa eumeura, Conexicoxa exigua, Conexicoxa homora, Conexicoxa jurassica, Conexicoxa khetanensis, Conexicoxa kirghizica, Conexicoxa longicollis, Conexicoxa martinclosas, Conexicoxa porrecta, Conexicoxa psilata, Conexicoxa stabilis, Conexicoxa tripartita

Type specimen: MCCM LH 23515, an exoskeleton (Lacking antennae and legs). Its type locality is Las Hoyas (MCCM collection), which is in a Barremian lacustrine - large limestone/packstone in the La Huérguina Formation of Spain.


Distribution: found only at Las Hoyas (MCCM collection)

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