Arctostaphylos verdiana Axelrod 1958 (heather)

Dicotyledoneae - Ericales - Ericaceae

Full reference: D. I. Axelrod. 1958. The Pliocene Verdi flora of western Nevada. University of California Publications in Geological Sciences 34(2):91-159

Belongs to Arctostaphylos according to D. I. Axelrod 1958

Sister taxa: Arctostaphylos elliptica, Arctostaphylos manzanita, Arctostaphylos mohavensis

Type specimen: UCMP Paleobotany 2022. Its type locality is Verdi Flora, which is in a Pliocene fluvial-lacustrine horizon in the Coal Valley Formation of Nevada.

Ecology: "photoautotroph"

Distribution: found only at Verdi Flora

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