Osteichthyes - Actinopterygii - Haplolepidae
Full reference: P. Huber. 1992. Pyritocephalus lowneyae n. sp., the youngest haplolepiform (Pisces: Actinopterygii) from the Pennsynvanian of central New Mexico. New Mineral Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources, Bulletin 138:183-187
Belongs to Pyritocephalus according to P. Huber 1992
Sister taxa: Pyritocephalus comptus, Pyritocephalus gracilis, Pyritocephalus lineatus, Pyritocephalus rudis, Pyritocephalus sculptus, Pyritocephalus youngi
Type specimen: Its type locality is Kinney Quarry, Manzanita Mountains, unit 4, which is in a Virgilian lagoonal/restricted shallow subtidal shale in the Wild Cow Formation of New Mexico
Distribution: found only at Kinney Quarry, Manzanita Mountains, unit 4
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