Rhamphoichthys taxidiotis El Hossny et al. 2023 (ray-finned fish)

Actinopteri - Tselfatiiformes - Plethodidae

Full reference: T. El Hossny, L. Cavin, U. Kaplan, A. H. Schwermann, E. Samankassou and M. Friedman. 2023. The first articulated skeletons of enigmatic Late Cretaceous billfish-like actinopterygians. Royal Society Open Science 10(231296)

Belongs to Rhamphoichthys according to T. El Hossny et al. 2023

Sister taxa: Protosphyraena minor, Protosphyraena stebbingi

Type specimen: WMNM P 48342, a partial skeleton. Its type locality is DIMAC quarry, Halle (Chondrites event bed), which is in a Cenomanian offshore marl in the Hesseltal Formation of Germany.

Ecology: nektonic carnivore


• Cretaceous of Germany (1 collection), Lebanon (1)

Total: 2 collections each including a single occurrence

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