Crassispirella Gaillot and Vachard 2007 (foram)

Tubothalamea - Miliolida - Neodiscidae

Full reference: J. Gaillot and D. Vachard. 2007. The Khuff Formation (Middle East) and time-equivalents in Turkey and South China: biostratigraphy from Capitanian to Changhsingian times (Permian), new foraminiferal taxa, and palaeogeographical implications. Coloquios de Paleontología 57:37-233

Parent taxon: Neodiscidae according to J. Gaillot and D. Vachard 2007

Sister taxa: none

Subtaxa: Crassispirella hughesi

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Type: Crassispirella hughesi

Ecology: stationary epifaunal deposit feeder


• Pliocene of Costa Rica (1 collection)

• Permian of Iran (2), Turkey (1), the United Arab Emirates (1)

Total: 5 collections including 6 occurrences

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