Cheloniceras martinioides Casey 1961 (ammonite)

Cephalopoda - Ammonitida - Douvilleiceratidae

Belongs to Cheloniceras according to R. Casey 1961

Sister taxa: Cheloniceras (Cheloniceras), Cheloniceras (Paracheloniceras), Cheloniceras bradleyi, Cheloniceras buxtorfi, Cheloniceras cornuelianum, Cheloniceras crassum, Cheloniceras debile, Cheloniceras delagoense, Cheloniceras flenoyi, Cheloniceras gottschei, Cheloniceras irregulare, Cheloniceras neivai, Cheloniceras percrassum, Cheloniceras populorum, Cheloniceras reesidei, Cheloniceras sornayi, Cheloniceras stoliczkanum, Cheloniceras waageni

Type specimen: Its type locality is WKhym-Greensand, which is in an Aptian marine sandstone in the Hythe Formation of the United Kingdom

Ecology: fast-moving nektonic carnivore


• Cretaceous of the United Kingdom (2 collections)

Total: 2 collections each including a single occurrence

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