Sparganiaceaepollenites uniformis Christopher and Prowell 2002

Angiospermae - Poales - Typhaceae

Full reference: R. A. Christopher and D. C. Prowell. 2002. A palynological biozonation for the Maastrichtian Stage (Upper Cretaceous) of South Carolina, USA. Cretaceous Research 23:639-669

Belongs to Sparganiaceaepollenites according to R. A. Christopher and D. C. Prowell 2002

Sister taxa: Sparganiaceaepollenites annulatus, Sparganiaceaepollenites barungensis, Sparganiaceaepollenites delicata, Sparganiaceaepollenites hospahensis, Sparganiaceaepollenites polygonalis

Type specimen: Slide FLO-274@150.0'(1); coordinates 15.0 x 131.0; Figure 5a, b., a microspore. Its type locality is USGS - Lake City core, 150.0 ft, which is in a Maastrichtian marine marl in the Peedee Formation of South Carolina.

Ecology: "photoautotroph"


• Cretaceous of United States (7: South Carolina collections)

Total: 7 collections each including a single occurrence

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