Schizodiscus japonicus Matsuzaki and Suzuki 2014 (radiolarian)

Protozoa - Spumellaria

Full reference: K. M. Matsuzaki and N. Suzuki. 2014. Taxonomic names, in Middle to Late Pleistocene radiolarian biostratigraphy in the water-mixed region of the Kuroshio and Oyashio currents, northeastern margin of Japan (JAMSTEC Hole 902-C9001C). 33:205-222

Belongs to Schizodiscus according to K. M. Matsuzaki and N. Suzuki 2014

Sister taxa: Schizodiscus disymmetricus, Schizodiscus symmetricus

Type specimen: IGPS 111419, a test

Ecology: passively mobile planktonic omnivore


• Quaternary of Japan (3 collections)

Total: 3 collections each including a single occurrence

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