†Pachysphinctes bathyplocus Waagen 1875 (ammonite)
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Cephalopoda - Ammonitida - Perisphinctidae
Alternative combination: Perisphinctes bathyplocus
Synonyms: Pachysphinctes marellei Collignon 1959, Pachysphinctes trichordis Collignon 1959
Full reference: W. Waagen. 1875. Jurassic fauna of Kutch, the Cephalopoda. Palaeontologia Indica, Series 9. Memoir 1(2-4):23-247
Belongs to Pachysphinctes according to M. K. Howarth and N. J. Morris 1998
See also Collignon 1959
Sister taxa: Pachysphinctes (Virgatosphinctes), Pachysphinctes beyrichi, Pachysphinctes major
Ecology: fast-moving nektonic carnivore
• Jurassic of India (1 collection), Madagascar (5), Yemen (5)
Total: 11 collections including 12 occurrences
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