Bivalvia - Arcida - Parallelodontidae
Alternative combinations: Arca breweriana, Nemodon breweriana, Parallelodon (Nanonavis) brewerianus, Parallelodon (Nanonavis) brewerlanus, Parallelodon brewerianus
Full reference: W. M. Gabb. 1864. Description of the Cretaceous fossils. Geological Survey of California Palaeontology 1:57-217
Belongs to Nanonavis according to L. R. Saul and R. L. Squires 1998
See also Anderson 1938, Anderson 1958, Gabb 1864, Hoots 1931, Reinhart 1937 and Stewart 1930
Sister taxa: Parallelodon (Nanonavis) bremneri, Parallelodon (Nanonavis) carinatus, Parallelodon (Nanonavis) cumshewensis, Parallelodon (Nanonavis) nanainoenis, Parallelodon (Nanonavis) simillima, Parallelodon (Nanonavis) whiteavesi
Ecology: facultatively mobile low-level epifaunal suspension feeder
• Cretaceous of United States (41: California collections)
Total: 41 collections each including a single occurrence
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