Haploceras umbilicatum Howarth 1998 (ammonite)

Cephalopoda - Ammonitida - Haploceratidae

Full reference: M.K. Howarth. 1998. Ammonites and nautiloids from the Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous of Wadi Hajar, southern Yemen. Bulletin of the Natural History Museum (Geology) 54(1):33-107

Belongs to Haploceras according to M.K. Howarth 1998

Sister taxa: Haploceras (Haploceras), Haploceras (Hypoglochiceras), Haploceras (Volanites), Haploceras deplanatum, Haploceras elimatum, Haploceras pachecoense, Haploceras propinquum, Haploceras staszycii, Haploceras subelimatum, Haploceras transatlanticum, Haploceras veracruzanum

Type specimen: BMNH CA576. Its type locality is Mintaq Salt Dome-10, which is in the Berriasian of limestone the Hajar Formation Yemen.

Ecology: fast-moving nektonic carnivore


• Cretaceous of Yemen (2 collections)

Total: 2 collections each including a single occurrence

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