Mammalia - Rodentia - Cricetidae
Alternative combination: Mus floridanus
Synonyms: Neotoma attwateri Mearns 1897, Neotoma baileyi Merriam 1894, Neotoma campestris Allen 1894, Neotoma magister Baird 1858, Neotoma pennsylvanica Stone 1893
Belongs to Neotoma according to R. W. Wiley 1980
See also Edwards and Bradley 2001, Hay 1902, Hulbert and Pratt 1998 and Kurten and Anderson 1980
Sister taxa: Neotoma (Paraneotoma), Neotoma albigula, Neotoma amplidonta, Neotoma cinerea, Neotoma findleyi, Neotoma fossilis, Neotoma fuscipes, Neotoma lepida, Neotoma leucodon, Neotoma leucopetrica, Neotoma mexicana, Neotoma micropus, Neotoma minutus, Neotoma ozarkensis, Neotoma prefuscipes, Neotoma prelepida, Neotoma pygmaea, Neotoma quadriplicata, Neotoma spelaea, Neotoma stephensi, Neotoma taylori, Neotoma vaughani
Ecology: ground dwelling herbivore
• Quaternary of Mexico (1 collection), United States (56: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Maryland, Missouri, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia)
Total: 57 collections each including a single occurrence
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