Reptilia - Testudines - Cheloniidae
Etymology. The genus name is from the Greek (pro), meaning before, and Trachyaspis, the name of the turtle, which is sister to the new genus.
Full reference: E. A. Zvonok, A. V. Panteleev, and I. G. Danilov. 2024. A new Trachyaspis-like pan-cheloniid turtle from the Bartonian of Kazakhstan. Proceedings of the Zoological Institute RAS 328(2):167-196
Parent taxon: Cheloniidae according to E. A. Zvonok et al. 2024
Sister taxa: Allopleuroninae, Ashleychelys, Cabindachelys, Carettinae, Chelone, Chelone acuticostata, Chelone bellunensis, Chelone gastaldii, Chelone murua, Chelone simonellii, Chelone sismondai, Chelone sordellii, Chelone strobeli, Cheloniinae, Chelyopsis, Dollochelys, Eochelone, Eocheloniinae, Eochelyinae, Eretmochelyinae, Erquelinnesia, Gigantatypus, Itilochelys, Lembonax, Lepidochelys, Lusochelys, Lytoloma, Miocaretta, Osonachelus, Pacifichelys, Pliochelys derelicta, Procolpochelys, Progonosaurus pertinax, Puppigerus, Syllominae, Syllomus, Tasbacka, Trachyaspis, Zangerlchelys
Subtaxa: Protrachyaspis shorymensis
Type: Protrachyaspis shorymensis
Ecology: aquatic omnivore
• Eocene of Kazakhstan (4 collections)
Total: 4 collections each including a single occurrence
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