Mammalia - Rodentia - Cricetidae
Synonyms: Cosomys Wilson 1932, Cseria, Ophiomys Hibbard and Zakrzewski 1967
Parent taxon: Arvicolidae according to A. A. Krukover and V. P. Chekha 1999
See also Albright 1999, Alroy 2002, Chaline et al. 1999, Hesse 1934, Hibbard and Zakrzewski 1967, Korth 1994, Kurten and Anderson 1980, Martin 1979, Martin et al. 2002, McKenna and Bell 1997, Mou 1997, Schultz 1937, Wilson 1933 and Zakrzewski 1969
Sister taxa: Allophaiomys, Arvicolini, Dicrostonychini, Dinaromys, Lasiopodomys, Lemmini, Myodini, Ondatrinae, Ondatrini, Orcemys, Phenacomyini, Praesynaptomys, Prolagurus, Prometheomyini, Synaptomyini
Subtaxa: Cosomys primus Cseria parkeri Mimomys dakotaensis Mimomys davakosi Mimomys occitanus Mimomys panacaensis Mimomys pliocaenicus Mimomys virginianus Ophiomys fricki Ophiomys magilli Ophiomys mcknighti Ophiomys parvus Ophiomys taylori
Type: Arvicola pliocaenicus
Ecology: ground dwelling herbivore
• Quaternary of Canada (1: Yukon collection), China (1), Croatia (1), the Czech Republic (6), France (7), Georgia (2), Germany (7), Greece (17), Hungary (18), Italy (14), the Netherlands (2), Poland (2), Portugal (1), Romania (16), the Russian Federation (3), Spain (11), Turkey (4), Ukraine (4), the United Kingdom (9), United States (13: California, Colorado, Nevada, South Dakota, Utah, West Virginia)
• Blancan of United States (58: Arizona, California, Idaho, Nebraska, Nevada, Oregon, Washington)
• Pliocene to Pleistocene of France (1), Hungary (4), Italy (3), the Russian Federation (1), Spain (2)
• Pliocene of Austria (2), China (18), France (5), Germany (4), Greece (16), Hungary (9), Italy (4), Kazakhstan (4), Poland (2), Romania (14), the Russian Federation (2), Slovakia (2), Spain (29), Turkey (6), Ukraine (1), United States (9: Idaho)
• Miocene to Pleistocene of Spain (1)
Total: 336 collections including 469 occurrences
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