Arachnida - Araneae - Pholcidae
Full reference: M. Á García-Villafuerte and A. Valdez-Mondragón. 2020. The oldest fossils of the spider subfamily Modisiminae from the Americas: Description of a new species of the genus Modisimus Simon (Araneae: Pholcidae) from the amber of Mexico with a checklist of the extant Mexican species. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 103(102702)
Belongs to Modisimus according to M. Á. García-Villafuerte and A. Valdez-Mondragón 2020
Sister taxa: Modisimus calcar, Modisimus calcaroides, Modisimus crassifemoralis, Modisimus oculatus, Modisimus tuberosus
Type specimen: IHNFG-5890, an exoskeleton. Its type locality is Mexican amber, Los Cocos mine (IHNFG collection), which is in a Miocene terrestrial amber in Mexico.
Distribution: found only at Mexican amber, Los Cocos mine (IHNFG collection)
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