†Chonetes (Dienerella) grandicosta biplex Reed 1931 (lamp shell)
Strophomenata - Strophomenida - Rugosochonetidae
Full reference: F. R. C. Reed. 1931. New fossils from the Productus Limestones of the Salt Range, with notes on other species. Palaeontologia Indica, New Series 27:1-56
Belongs to Chonetes (Dienerella) grandicosta according to F. R. C. Reed 1931
Sister taxa: none
Type specimen: Its type locality is K 24.605, first fork of road from Rukhla to Amb, Jarhanwala nala, which is in a Lopingian marine horizon in Pakistan
Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder
• Permian of Pakistan (16 collections)
Total: 16 collections each including a single occurrence