Kolpochoerus olduvaiensis Leakey 1942 (pig)

Mammalia - Artiodactyla - Suidae

Belongs to Kolpochoerus according to Leakey 1942

Sister taxa: Kolpochoerus afarensis, Kolpochoerus cookei, Kolpochoerus denheinzelini, Kolpochoerus evronensis, Kolpochoerus limnetes, Kolpochoerus majus, Kolpochoerus maroccanus, Kolpochoerus phillipi

Ecology: ground dwelling omnivore


• Quaternary of Ethiopia (5 collections), Israel (2), Tanzania (2)

• Pliocene to Pleistocene of Ethiopia (2), Tanzania (1)

Total: 12 collections each including a single occurrence

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