Mammalia - Tribosphenida - Peradectidae
Alternative combinations: Nanodelphys californicus, Peratherium californicum
Full reference: C. Stock. 1936. Sespe Eocene Didelphids. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 22(2):122-124
Belongs to Peradectes according to W. W. Korth 1994
See also Dawson and Constenius 2018, Krishtalka and Stucky 1983, Lillegraven 1976, Rothecker and Storer 1996 and Stock 1936
Sister taxa: Peradectes austrinum, Peradectes chesteri, Peradectes coprexeches, Peradectes elegans, Peradectes gulottai, Peradectes louisi, Peradectes minor, Peradectes protinnominatus
Type specimen: Its type locality is Brea Canyon (Bed CS3), which is in an Uintan terrestrial horizon in the Sespe Formation of California
Ecology: scansorial omnivore
• Eocene of Canada (2: Saskatchewan collections), United States (33: California, Montana, Wyoming)
Total: 35 collections each including a single occurrence
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