Insecta - Hymenoptera - Formicidae
Full reference: A. Radchenko. 2024. Eotemnothorax gen. nov. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) - a new ant genus from late Eocene European ambers. Annales Zoologici 74:717-752
Parent taxon: Myrmicinae according to A. Radchenko 2024
Sister taxa: Afromyrma, Agastomyrma, Aphaenogaster longaeva, Attini, Biamomyrma, Bilobomyrma, Boltonidris, Brachytarsites, Cephalomyrmex, Cephites, Clavipetiola, Crematogastrini, Electromyrmex, Enneamerus, Eocenidris, Eomyrmex, Fallomyrma, Fushunomyrmex, Ilemomyrmex, Incertogaster, Lelejus, Melissotarsus, Miosolenopsis, Myrmecites, Myrmicini, Orbigastrula, Pogonomyrmecini, Pseudomyrmini, Quadrulicapito, Quineangulicapito, Sinomyrmex, Solenopsidiini, Solenopsidini, Solenopsites, Sphaerogasterites, Stenammini, Wumyrmex, Zhangidris
Subtaxa: Eotemnothorax armatum Eotemnothorax balticus Eotemnothorax foveocephalus Eotemnothorax glaesarius Eotemnothorax gracilis Eotemnothorax groehni Eotemnothorax hystriculus Eotemnothorax khomychi Eotemnothorax longaevus Eotemnothorax odontos Eotemnothorax pedunculatus Eotemnothorax perkovskii Eotemnothorax petiolatus Eotemnothorax placivus Eotemnothorax punctatus Eotemnothorax rav Eotemnothorax rectispinus Eotemnothorax rhytidus
Type: Leptothorax gracilis
• Eocene of Poland (1 collection), the Russian Federation (2)
Total: 3 collections including 8 occurrences
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